Colo Vale Public School

Efforts rewarded

Telephone02 4889 4250

About our school

At Colo Vale Public School, we believe that primary school is a time when precious childhood memories are made. We are passionately dedicated to nurturing a sense of wonder, curiosity and a love of learning in every child. Our highly trained and caring teachers ensure that every child is known, valued and cared for. We understand that a sense of wellbeing underpins a child’s potential to achieve academic success, and wellbeing is at the heart of our inclusive and nurturing educational program. We take a positive approach to equipping children with the social and emotional skills they will need to be the happy and resilient citizens and leaders of the future.

Our school encourages all children to reach their full potential through fostering an innovative and supportive environment which involves the whole school community. We strive to be a learning community working towards continuous improvement in teaching, learning and management.

We work through a series of partnerships which involve students, parents, staff and the wider community. Our aim is to provide every child with the very best educational opportunities. The current school goals, developed by the staff and approved by the School Council are: to be a learning community of high quality, working towards continuous improvement in teaching, learning and management; to continue to have high expectations of ourselves and our students; to work through a series of partnerships which will involve students, parents, teachers and other staff as well as the wider community; a clearly demonstrated commitment to equity.

Parents are our valued partners in education. Teacher-parent partnerships are highly valued and encouraged across the school. There are many opportunities for parents and carers to participate in school programs and events. Our vibrant, energetic and committed Parents and Citizens Association works hard to support our staff to enable the best opportunities for our students. 

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